19 September, 2005

Fasting on Thursday

We have planned a day of prayer and fasting next Thursday, 22 Sept. Participation in the day is completely voluntary: please fast in whatever way is appropriate for you that day. Our small group will meet in the evening, at our place, to break our fast together (Marilyn and Karen have offered to make some soup) and share the evening. After soup, the evening's agenda will be to hear from each person regarding what God has said - or what leading He has given - during the day. It will also be a "heart-check" evening, and Cormac MacF has suggested we use the head/hands/heart pattern to give some direction to our sharing. Please give this some thought before the evening and ask yourself what is going on in your own head (thoughts and ruminations) hands (activities and doing-based) and heart (feelings, passions, desires, disappointments, etc) and how God might be involved in any of these areas.

We brainstormed a list of things last night to aid us as we go through the day of the 22nd. Print out the list, keep it near you on the day and see if any of these ideas will help you as you seek the Lord:


Be sure to spend some time listening to God - don't merely talk at Him all day! Isa 50.4, Hab 2.1

Ask God to use our Journey Day, Sunday 25 September, to direct us as a group and to give clear leading.

Spend some time worshipping the Lord for who He is ... for his character. Here are some verses or passages which may get you started as you reflect on the character of God:

I John 4.8
John 4.24
Psalm 18
Psalm 62.5-8
Psalm 63
Isaiah 45
Isaiah 53

Ask God what His plan is for the Journey, for His kingdom in the south side of Dublin,and ask Him how you can best participate in His plan [as opposed to coming up with a bunch of good ideas and asking God to bless them].

Why not spend some time praying for each individual participating in the fast, and for the children of those involved? How might God want you to bless/affirm/encourage any of these people? Pray also for a couple of people in your sphere of influence who do not yet know Christ. Ask God to work supernaturally in the hearts and lives of these people!

Expect supernatural things from God - He is the creator, the King of all supernatural things and He longs to work in and around us in a way that glorifies Himself / shows His power. Do not limit your own expectations of God! It was Hudson Taylor who said 'Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God.'

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