05 September, 2009

A New Season

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This past summer was quiet for The Journey. Many of our core members were out of the country. We did, however, still manage to engage in many of the larger events going on in our community, from supporting a Camino walk to helping out with Urban Soul. It was a quiet season.

It's now, however, as a new season begins that The Journey is in the midst of re-asking God what he'd have us do. We are entering a period of commissioning. Because The Journey is a church of mission (ie. not a church with a mission) we seek to constantly re-evaluate the tasks we feel God has for us. This is a really exciting time! It's a time of listening and prayer. It's a time of dreaming and discussing. It's a time of planning and preparing.

Anyone who considers themselves "on mission" is welcome to be commissioned with us. We usually have one or two individuals share about what they feel God is asking them to do in the coming year, they share how The Journey can tangibly help in that mission and then we spend time praying for the individual.

By the end we usually have a pretty good sense of where God is leading our group. We also grow in community as we embrace and help in one another's missions.

This is perhaps my favorite season in the Journey's life. I can't wait.


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